394 research outputs found

    Promotion of renewable sources of energy from rural areas

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    This paper investigates the question of promotion of more efficient use of energy and for an increase in supply and use of energy from the renewable sources of energy in rural areas. The empirical research is based on the analysis of the survey evidence that is obtained by the written questionnaire. The 516 in-depth surveys were conducted among the scholars, students, and employees from social sciences, natural sciences, electrical energy supply, and energy management in the six different towns in Slovenia. The surveys data are analysed by using descriptive statistics, comparisons of average values, correlation, and multivariate factor analysis. The needs for more efficient energy use between different users and the significance of production of renewable sources of energy from different sources have been confirmed. This has implications for rationalization of energy supply, efficient energy use and use of the renewable sources of energy for more underlined environmental protection and the sustainable development.renewable sources of energy, rural development, promotion, Slovenia, Community/Rural/Urban Development, L94, O13, Q42, M39,

    Efficient energy use and renewable sources of energy in Slovenia

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    This paper presents unique survey results with opinions on the competitive supply and efficient energy use, sources of energy and renewable sources of energy. The multivariate factor analysis with three common factors confirms the significance of the price competitive supply of energy, energy costs for the economy, and the sustainable energy supply development and ecological perception in the energy use. Among renewable sources of energy, significance is given to the solar, hydro, biogas, and biomass energy, where the energy useand the renewable energy production in agriculture can play a greater role. Education and promotion activities are expressed as important for strengthening the knowledge, awareness, and social responsibility of the sustainable energy development and the use of renewable sources of energy

    The analysis of liberalisation of the electricity market in Slovenia

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    The purpose of this paper has been to investigate wholesale-to retail-sale electricity supply management in Slovenia. The rapid increase in electricity supply in Slovenia has been determinedby increasing industry, public and household electricity demands. The paper analyses structures and dynamics in wholesale-to-retail supply chain structures and management that are important for purchases of electrical energy by electricity distribution retailers. By using Lorenz’s curve and Gini’s coefficient of concentration, there is found to be a relatively high degree of concentration of wholesale electricity suppliers in the delivery of electrical energy to the retail electricity distribution enterprises. Whereas the number of the wholesale electricity suppliers has increased, the great majority of them hold with relatively small market shares vis-à-vis the large traditional wholesale electricity supplier. The electricity supply by smaller electricity producers is largely based on renewable sources of energy, which also depends on the weather conditions.The empirical evidence suggests that wholesale-to-retail electricity supply structures are shifting slowly from a monopoly market structure towards greater competition with the characteristicsof product differentiation and market segmentation. The regression analysis for the electricity price formation for the retail electricity distribution enterprise confirms the significance of thecosts for the purchased electricity, expenses for wages and for taxes. The multivariate factor analysis confirms the importance of recognition and business trust in the wholesale-to-retail-saleelectricity supply chain management

    Ozaveščanje in promocija trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabe obnovljivih virov energije

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    Proučujemo, koliko ozaveščenje, promocija in izobraevanje prispevajo k poznavanju trajnostnega razvoja energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije ter podnebno-energetskega paketa Evropske unije. V anketno raziskavo so bile vključene ciljne skupine s področja druboslovja, naravoslovja, elektroenergetike in energetskega menedmenta, zlasti pa nas zanima mnenje študentov druboslovja. Anketni podatki so bili analizirani z opisnimi statistikami z izračunom srednjih vrednosti, korelacijsko analizo in multivariatno faktorsko analizo. Med viri energije v trajnostnem razvoju energetike in uporabi obnovljivih virov energije s politikami podpor so bili ugotovljeni trije skupni faktorji: ozaveščanje, izobraevalne dejavnosti, promocija in podpora za energetske virezaveze za učinkovitejšo energetsko politiko in izrabo virov energijenaravni potenciali obnovljivih virov energije. To so dejavniki, ki bi jim veljalo nameniti večjo pozornost pri načrtovanju razvoja slovenskega elektrogospodarstva v sklopu podnebno-energetske politike Evropske unije do leta 2020.This paper investigates in what degree consciousness, promotion and educational activities contribute to knowledge of sustainable development of energetic and use of renewable sources of energy as well knowledge about climatic-energy package of the European Union. Into the survey analysis are included target groups from social and sciences, electro energy and energy management. We focus on the opinions of the students from social sciences. The survey data are analysed by summary statistics of mean values of the respondents, correlation and multivariate factor analysis. Among the sources of energy in sustainable development of energetic and use of renewable sources of energy with support policies are found three common factors: consciousness, educational activities, promotion and support for energetic sourcescommitments for more efficient energetic policy and use of energy sourcesand natural potentials of renewable sources of energy. These are the factors to which should be given a greater attention in management of development of the Slovenian energetic economy within the climatic-energetic policy of the European Union by the year 2020